воскресенье, 12 января 2020 г.


The dinosaur should eat you and after that you should be redirected to the level select and get a key. The game is truly hilarious because there are some moments in which he does a funny enactment or even makes a funny face or a movement. Now land on the ground in front of the coffin and jump up into the air. If you succeed you will be elevated above the ghost and onto the platform he is on. Go right after that and glitch through the guy who wants chicken. Then jump again as late as possible over the enemy. When you jump over the first gap try to land as far away from the left ledge of the small platform as possible. the pink panther pinkadelic pursuit pc game

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It can also happen that the plant starts searching before the opening sequence finishes.

The Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit

After jumping over the ;ink enemy try to land just below the first coin. There is a very risky strategy which allows you to only loose 2 seconds with a bad pattern if you succeed:. Sometimes there are several seconds of difference in the easy and hard version. Download Will Start Automatically. You should bounce off the bat that is going up and down.

When there are multiple ways to get somewhere the more risky version is always faster. They try to stop him. In the final part fall down after reaching the chain of lights which goes downwards and upwards again.

the pink panther pinkadelic pursuit pc game

In order to make this guide better readable the following terms will be used ppanther describe various actions:. When going up the orange pipe land on the ledge of the small house with your last jump. This game has a run page on SDA!

Go up the stairs and jump onto the coals. There is an invisible platform at the same place where the opened window would normally be. Jump up onto the higher platform. From the garbage bin do a high helicopter jump to reach the door and use piniadelic twice.

SolveTube » How To Install PINK PANTHER Pinkadelic Pursuit Game Without Errors

If you are unlucky the plant will move before you can destroy the second root and see you when heading for the third one. Enter the building and fall down into the first hole. Continue going left until you hear pursuir mummy. Then enter Level Then get the bomb behind the monkey.

the pink panther pinkadelic pursuit pc game

Blow away the wall and go up to the key. Go to the right until you reach the box on the ground. Continue going right and jump through the wooden plank. Go up the next two steps on the wall.

Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit - Leaderboard -

Jump over the help sign and go to the basement. This level must be completed, skipping it is not allowed. Do a normal jump on your way there in order to be able to use the helicopter when falling of a ledge. If you succeed you will be elevated above the ghost and onto the platform he is on. You have to jump while still being in the tunnel in order to reach them. Get the bomb and turn back left. Jump risky or helicopter jump safe over the help sign in front of the doors, then use the middle door.

Go right until you reach the electric cables which go downwards. Jump twice on this ladder while your second jump has to land right on the ledge.

Land on the ground behind the ghost and jump over him onto the shelf. Although it is a fun game and you will also love another game which also resembles to this one is called Funny Hell.

Damage boost up to the platform above you by jumping at the enemy.

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